TISA – NE HVALA! (najhujši strup demokracije)

Power To The People

/ #23

2014-10-10 08:58

Zanimivo je, da se je leta 2012 začela predvajati kanadska nanizanka Continuum v kateri prikazuje kako so oblast leta 2077 v ZDA namesto vlade prevzele velike korporacije. Prav ti sporazumi in na sploh politike Evropske komisije peljejo vse bližje tej realnosti.


"Briefly, Continuum stars Rachel Nichols as Kiera Cameron, a “protector” from the year 2077. In this future, large corporations have replaced the government, meaning the law enforcement Kiera works for is not of the people, but instead, from the companies. The first two episodes of Continuum make references to a group of revolutionaries who are performing acts of sabotage in order to disrupt the status quo"