Peticija za dobrobit zapuščenih in zavrženih živali na Obali


/ #265

2015-05-25 08:48

I am appalled by the action of local government. Until recently, Slovenian example and ADOPTION of the Western values ​​was the one I was happy to share with governments and I consult the Developing World and lobby for in international fora. Unfortunately, actions like this are making me doubt my good Judgement. While the local government Seems to be oblivious of the Fact That Their short-sighted actions Affect and tarnish reputation and image of Croatia and Its Citizens, I hope the local council That Will such action to ensur Effective termination of this initiative, Ensuring That the Thüsen "beacon of civilization" and the Balkans Remains reputable and in full support of the rule of law. Do the right thing ...